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Hepatitis B Core Igm Antibody

Because the virus has a central core, upon initial infection your body will make Antibody to the core of the virus. The Antibody will appear in blood in about 6 -14 weeks.
SKU Number: HBcAb135
Sale Price: $52.00 Regular Price: $125.00  
You Save: $73.00



are basically fats from various sources such as meat, nuts. etc. Fats are important souce of energy, protects the brain, maintenance of healthy skin, and others. Too much intake of fats can have deliterious health consequences.
SKU Number: TRIG569
Price: $11.50 



Includes sodium, potassium, chloride, and carbonate that are important in proper function of various organs and cells in our body
SKU Number: ELYTES6214
Sale Price: $18.50 Regular Price: $78.50  
You Save: $60.00


Thyroxic (T4);Free; unbound hormone

Test Free T4 helps to evaluate thyroid functioinality, and determine diseases such as hypothyrodism and hyperthyrodism
SKU Number: T4FR198
Sale Price: $58.00 Regular Price: $169.00  
You Save: $111.00


Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

a hormone responsible for the stimulation of the thyroid gland to produce T4 hormone, that has a great effect on metabolism.
SKU Number: TSH6125
Sale Price: $45.00 Regular Price: $128.00  
You Save: $83.00


Heavy Metal Mercury

use commonly in thermometers. Exposure to Mercury is usually from eating sea foods such as fish.
SKU Number: HHg439
Sale Price: $68.00 Regular Price: $185.00  
You Save: $117.00


Heavy Metal Lead

Usually found in paints, gun ammunition (bullets), etc. Exposure to lead can lead to various health problems including mental retardation.
SKU Number: HPb369
Price: $42.00 


Arsenic Heavy Metal

found in rat poisoning and other sources. FDA acceptable level is less than or equal to 72 ng/ml.
SKU Number: HAs185
Sale Price: $55.00 Regular Price: $139.00  
You Save: $84.00


Cholesterol (Total)

an important compound that is a base form many hormone synthesis, and also aids in providing rigidity in cell membranes.
SKU Number: TCHOL754
Price: $12.00 



his is one of the source of energy that our cells need to carry on its tasks. One the best sources of glucose is common table sugar. Interestingly, our brain consumes about close to 1/4 pound of glucose per day. A deficiency in glucose is hypoglycemia, while an excess in glucose in the blood is called hyperglycemia. The latter may indicate a disorder of diabetes, where insulin deficiency maybe indicated.
SKU Number: GLU2145
Sale Price: $13.50 Regular Price: $43.00  
You Save: $29.50



One of the most important element that our bodies to maintain strong bones. There are many sources of calcium including dairy products such as milk, salmon, tofu, and others.
SKU Number: Ca20
Sale Price: $15.00 Regular Price: $45.00  
You Save: $30.00


Prostate Serum Antigen (PSA)

The prostate is part of the male reproductive system that secretes ejaculatory fluid (semen) and spermatozoa. PSA test can indicate if the prostate is cancerous.
SKU Number: PSA355
Sale Price: $45.00 Regular Price: $168.00  
You Save: $123.00


Hepatitis C Antibody

his is another type of Hepatitis that infects the liver.
SKU Number: HcAb175
Sale Price: $30.00 Regular Price: $123.00  
You Save: $93.00


Hepatitis B surface Antigen with Confirmation

Another strain of Hepatitis is the Hepatitis B virus that is transmissible through infected blood or bodily fluids, through sexual intercourse or intravenous drug use. A positive test for Hepatitis B surface Antigen indicates exposure.
SKU Number: HBsAg129
Sale Price: $35.00 Regular Price: $68.00  
You Save: $33.00


Hepatitis A Igm Antibody

This virus is endemic throughout the world, that is transmitted through fecal contamination and in areas of poor hygiene. Hepatitis A is detectable within two weeks after initial exposure. The level increases for up to 2 months and gradually diminishes in about 6 months, which at this time is undetectable.
SKU Number: HAab125
Sale Price: $65.00 Regular Price: $145.00  
You Save: $80.00


HDL Cholesterol

These are proteins that enable the removal and transport of fats such as triglycerides, chlolesterol, especially helpful in maintaining clean arteries preventing occurence of heart diseases.
SKU Number: HDL652
Price: $25.50 