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Substance ID of Drugs and Illicit Drugs

This will test for the most common over the counter drugs, prescribed drugs, and illicit drugs such as Cocaine, Amphetamines, LSD, Mushroom, etc.
SKU Number: *
Price: $475.00 


Product Certification of Herbal Incense - Synthetic Cannabinoids Analysis

This is a Product Certification of Herbal Incense, Vegetative or Non-Vegetative material for analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids for One State. Note: Item must be pre-packaged with product name ready for sale. For additional State(s), click on Herbal Incense, Herbal Products Category. Select Product Certification of Herbal Incense; Additional States
SKU Number: *
Price: $575.00 


Herbal Incense Analysis - DEA/Federal with General or State Specific Order

Herbal Incense Analysis for DEA/Federal product certification. NOTE: To get the discount or price of $225.00 per product per sample, a General or State Specific Analysis must be ordered. NOTE: Sample to be certified must already be packaged with the product name and ready for sale.
SKU Number: *
Price: $225.00 


Herbal Incense Analysis - DEA/Federal

Synthetic Cannabinoids for DEA/Federal Product Certification NOTE: Sample to be certified must already be packaged with the product name and ready for sale.
SKU Number: *
Price: $425.00 


Product Certification of Herbal Incense - Synthetic Cannabinoids Analysis; Additional States

Product Certification of Herbal Incense, Synthetic Cannabinoids Analysis; Additional State analysis (2 or more States). Please indicated the State(s) that you want your product to be certified. NOTE: This is for additional States ONLY. You must order the initial test for ONE State. For example, if you want to certify your product for Kentucky, the cost is $575.00 per sample. Also, you want a certification for Texas and Virginia the cost is $285.00 per State per sample.
SKU Number: *
Price: $285.00 


STAT or Expedited Results

The STAT or Expedited Results Allows for a fast turn-around time of same day up to no more than the next day upon arrival of sample(s) in our lab. This is per sample or product type. If you have 2 or more products, the cost is $125.00 times the number or products or items to be tested. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TEST FEE, RATHER A STAT FEE
SKU Number: *
Price: $125.00 


Product Certification for Herbal Incense - Synthetic Cannabinoids Analysis

Test your products of Herbal Incense, CBD oils, candies, and others for Synthetic Cannabinoids such as AB-Pinaca, 5F-ADB, JWH-018, and many others.  Contains and Does not contain.
SKU Number: HERPC125
Price: $575.00 