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Alere Oral or Saliva Drug Test Kit- A more recent form of sample for drug testing, saliva
- Cleaner, and definitely less invasive collection of sample compared to urine
- Difficult to adulterate. Can't add anything to change the results, compared to urine where a person can add say vinegar or salt in urine to give a false negative result
- Very simple to use with results in just a few minutes
- Take with you anywhere, and do the testing anytime
- Use it as a deterrence or weapon to discourage drug use, or confirm your suspicion of any bad drug activity
- Good for 12 months
- Available in 6, 8, and 10 Saliva Drug Test Kit
A 6 Panel saliva test kit that will tests for Amphetamine, Benzodiazepine, Cocaine, Methadone, Marijuana, Opiates COMES IN BOX OF 10 KITS
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