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Alere ICup Drug Test Kit with Adulterant Checker - Product Image
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Alere ICup Drug Test Kit with Adulterant Checker

  • A 5 Panel Test Kit that will detect for Amphetamines, Cocaine, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, and Opiates
  • An all in one drug testing kitA separate urine container is not needed
  • Includes "Adulterant" Checker - It will also test to see if an adulterant was added to the urine
  • Adulterants are substaces that can alter the test results, giving a false negative results
  • Easy to use. Just urinate in the cup. Check for "Adulterants", and read results in just a few minutes
  • Also available in 8, and 10 Panel Drug Test Kit
  • Confirmation of any Positives by GC/MS is highly recommended

SKU Number: *
Price: $0.00 
Choose From The Following  


Herbicide and Pesticide Analysis

This is an Herbicide and Pesticides chemical testings.  A special pricing for most common types of Herbicides and Pesticides in a common household.



SKU Number: *
Price: $444.25 


Home Test Kit for Poisons

This is a home test kit for poison. 


Simple to use 

Results in just a few minutes

You can use drink or food

This kit is for one item or sample Only

Follow the instructions well

Will tests for cyanide, some heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, others



SKU Number: *
Price: $275.00 


Forensic-Legal Fee

A forensic-legal fee is very important if you intentions to file a police report, and/or seek litigation.  The fee is needed for proper handling and storage of the samples. documents including lab data, chromatograms, experimental notes, lab results are kept securely and be available to be reproduce through a court order.
SKU Number: *
Price: $175.00 


Chem125 Analysis and Toxin Analysis

A combination testings of Chem125 and Toxin Analysis
SKU Number: *
Price: $550.00 


Heavy Metals and Steroid Tests Special Price

Heavy Metals including Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc, etc., and Steroids including Testosterone, Stanolol,

Epitestosterone, Methandione, etc.

SKU Number: *
Price: $440.00 


DNA Genealogy with family history

This test will determine ancestry, new relatives, family history, build family tree, access photos and historical records.
SKU Number: *
Price: $265.00 


DNA Genealogy Study without family history

This test will determine your ancestry or origin, and discover new relatives
SKU Number: *
Price: $185.00 


Chem125 Analysis - Comprehensive Chemical Analysis

This will tests for over 250 chemicals including surfactants - ionic and anionic compounds, soaps, bpa, acidic and basic compounds, organic compounds such as alcohols, aldehydes, melamine, butyric acid, and others.
SKU Number: *
Price: $445.00 


Vomit Identification

This will tests to see if vomit has contaminated a food, drink, and other materials.
SKU Number: *
Price: $175.00 


Comprehensive Drug Analysis with Date Rape Drugs

An analysis of about 150 drugs, and analysis of "Date Rape" Drugs including GHB, Rohypnol, Ketamine and others.




Spring 2004 Sale Special - 35% Discount Sale from 4-9-24 thru 4-12-24

SKU Number: *
Sale Price: $282.75 Regular Price: $435.00  
You Save: $152.25


Equipment Handling/Travel Fee

Sample, and equipment handling and travel fee.
SKU Number: *
Price: $385.00 


Methamphetamine Physical Weight Measurement

A re-analysis of the found weight of Methamphetamine in units of grams.
SKU Number: *
Price: $210.00 


Methamphetamine Qualitative Analysis

A re-analysis to determine the absence or presence of Methamphetamine.
SKU Number: *
Price: $365.00 


Fentanyl Physical Weight Measurement

This will verify the found weight of fentanyl in units of grams.
SKU Number: *
Price: $250.00 


Fentanyl Qualitative Analysis

This will determine the identity (absence or presence) of fentanyl (forensic).
SKU Number: *
Price: $425.00 


Substance Identification for Poisons

This will tests for chemical poisons in liquids, and other substances.
SKU Number: *
Price: $325.00 


Category 4 or Option 4 - Chemical Solvent Analysis

This is a chemical analysis of most common solvents and chemicals used in laboratory, clinics, and other entities.  Chemicals analyzed include Benzene, Xylene, Ethylene Glycol, Acetylene, Toluene, Propylene Glycol, Paint thinner, etc.  Exposure to these chemicals can cause nausea, rise in blood pressure, headache, dizziness, vomiting, etc.  Seek medical attention right away, to prevent further health problems.


SKU Number: *
Price: $335.00 

Alere Iscreen Alcohol Test Strip - Product Image
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Alere Iscreen Alcohol Test Strip

  • This is an alcohol saliva test strip that will give the level of alcohol based on color changeEasy to use with
  • results in just a few minutesThe level of alcohol depends on the intensity of the color, which corresponds to
  •  0.03 % - 0.30 %Test yourself first to see if you are legal to driveYou might be able to drive and feel fine, but  if you get pulled over your alcohol level may be over the legal limitPlay it safe.  Avoid legal hassles that can cost as much as $7000.00. Click on image to view instruction or, click on link below to watch video
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIUAGilCNvA

SKU Number: *
Price: $12.50 


Source of Causative Agent Determination

This will test to determine the source of problem, or causative agent.  The source can be blood, urine, saliva, or other liquid or solid substances.  Please note that each source is considered one sample.  Therefore, if the source eyou indicate is urine, then the price is $245.00.  If you want both urine and saliva, the price is $245.00 x 2, and so on.


SKU Number: *
Price: $250.00 


Chemical Compound Analysis - OTC

The analysis of over the counter (OTC) chemical compounds including mercurochrome, rubbing alcohol, camphor, eye drop solutions (i.e. Visine, etc.), propylene glycol,  wintergreen, and others
SKU Number: *
Price: $225.00 


Covid-19 Home Test Kit

This a home test kit to test for Covid-19 virus.  Simple to use.  FDA approve.  Results in a few minutes.  Test yourself, members of your family, friends.

We can defeat the spread of this virus, if we know we have been exposed to it.

SKU Number: *
Price: $75.99 


Donate $10.00

No purchase is needed.

Any donation is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

SKU Number: *
Price: $10.00 


Comprehensive Poison Testing

A compilation of three(3) Categories or Options of;

a. Category 1 - Comprehensive Drug Analysis

b. Category 2 - Chemical Analysis

c. Category 5 - Poison Analysis

Analysis of 2 samples of a cupcake and a pill.


SKU Number: *
Price: $415.00 


Comprehensive Substance Identification 2

This is a compilation of the analysis of 10 Categories or Options

a. Option 1 - Comprehensive Drug Analysis - $385.00

b. Option 2 - "Bath Salts" Analysis - $325.00

c. Option 3 - "Date Rape" Drug Analysis - $325.00

d. Option 4 - Chemical Solvent Analysis - $335.00

e. Option 5 - Poison Analysis - $285.00

f. Option 6 - Ocular Analysis - $235.00

g. Option 7 - Microbiological Analysis - $275.00

h. Option 8 - Herbicide Analysis - $255.00

i. Option 9 - Pesticide Analysis - $285.00

j. Option 10 - Toxins Analysis - $575.00

Total $3280.00

For two (2) samples

Buy one (discounted to $2460.00) get the second item at 50% discount (from the original price of $3280)

total = $3280.00 discount 50% =$1640.00

Grand total =$2460 plus $1640.00 = $4100.00


SKU Number: *
Price: $4,100.00 


Comprehensive Substance Identification 1

This is a compilation of the analysis of 10 Categories or Options

a. Option 1 - Comprehensive Drug Analysis - $385.00

b. Option 2 - "Bath Salts" Analysis - $325.00

c. Option 3 - "Date Rape" Drug Analysis - $325.00

d. Option 4 - Chemical Solvent Analysis - $335.00

e. Option 5 - Poison Analysis - $285.00

f. Option 6 - Ocular Analysis - $235.00

g. Option 7 - Microbiological Analysis - $275.00

h. Option 8 - Herbicide Analysis - $255.00

i. Option 9 - Pesticide Analysis - $285.00

j. Option 10 - Toxins Analysis - $575.00

total = $3280.00

discount 25% =  $2460.00 per one sample

SKU Number: *
Price: $2,460.00 


Category 7 or Option 7 - Toxins Analysis

There are many different types of toxins that can be found in foods, animals and plant materials, drugs, pills, etc. Depending on the type, neurotoxins can affect your nerves and cause temporary or permanent paralysis, or a severe headache, skin irritations, fatigue, nausea are caused by mycotoxins (from fungus), etc. Some of the toxins include Ricin, Botulinum, Tetrodotoxin, T-2 mycotoxin, Cardiotoxin, Hemotoxin, Apitoxin, Amygdalin, Musroom Toxins, and others.
SKU Number: *
Price: $575.00 


Category 6 or Option 6 - Ocular (Eye Medication) Analysis

This will tests for eye medication, eye drops such as visine, acular, acuvail, and others. Symptoms of toxic exposure include blurred vision, blood pressure differences, irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and others.




SKU Number: *
Sale Price: $235.00 Regular Price: $235.00  
You Save: $0.00


Category 3 or Option 3 A "Date Rape" Drug Analysis

Testing of date rape drugs Ecstasy (MDA, MDMA), Gammahydroxybutyric acid (GHB), Ketamine, Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol - "Roofies"), Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).  Tests yourself right away.  The sooner, indeed the better.
SKU Number: *
Price: $325.00 


Drug Analysis - Broad Spectrum with Date Rape Drugs

This will tests for over 150 drugs including prescribed such as Xanax, Ritalin, etc., over the counter drugs such as aspirin, tylenol, etc., and illicit drugs including Cocaine, Fentanyl, Morphine, and many others.


Regular price = $435.00. Sale Price, Discount (30%) = $304.50. Sale ends 4-2-24.

SKU Number: *
Sale Price: $304.50 Regular Price: $435.00  
You Save: $130.50


Lab Report Review

This will review the lab reports from hair, urine, blood, or other forms.  Thereafter, a report will generated based on the review of the findings.
SKU Number: *
Price: $412.00 


Flux Analysis

This will tests for flux material used in soldering, and welding methods.  Samples that can be used include hair, urine, liquid, and some solid materials.
SKU Number: *
Price: $311.00 


Quantitative Analysis for Phosphine - New

This is a new quantitative analysis for the phosphine compound.  Discounted price.  Original $345.00 per sample.  With 15% discount, price is $293.25 per sample.
SKU Number: *
Price: $293.25 


Chemical Compound Quantitative Analysis

This will determine the concentration of the known compounds.  Please indicate the compound you want analyzed.  This will ONLY test for One compound.
SKU Number: *
Price: $265.00 


Date Rape Drug Test Quantitative Analysis - Hair

If positive for the initial hair screening for "Date Rape" drugs of MDMA, Ecstasy, Ketamine, GHB, Rohypnol, and LSD.  $125.00 per drug per segment (sample).  A segment can be monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semi-annualy, and annual.
SKU Number: *
Price: $125.00 


pH Analysis

The pH tests will determine the acidity or basicity of a substance.  The values will range from 0 - 14, with 7.0 being neutral.


Please note; Sample must already be in a solution.


Indicate solution type (water, DMF, NaOH, etc.).


pH will Only be analyzed at room temperature (20 oC - 24 oC)


$35.00 per sample.

SKU Number: *
Price: $35.00 


Heavy Metals Analysis

A heavy metals analysis(i.e Pb, Cd, Fe, Ni, Cr,Hg, Mn, and others).  Sample requirements are as follows;

Liquids - min 3.0 ml

Solids - min 1.5 grams

Please make sure that the samples are placed in a plastic container, resealeable, or with a secure lid.  No leaks.



SKU Number: *
Price: $345.00 


Report Generation

This will review a lab report, documents, etc. Research, generate a report and offer a scientific opinion regarding the findings.

This is fo a 2-3 hrs work time.

SKU Number: *
Price: $325.00 


Option 2. Steroids (other substances) Quantitative Analysis

This will test for Anabolic Steroids (i.e. Testosterone, Stanazol, etc.),  QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS  -   from sources of pills, tablets, food, and other materials.  $575.00 per sample.
SKU Number: *
Price: $575.00 


Certificate of Analysis (COA)

This is a fee for obtaining a Certificate of Analysis (COA) after a sample product testing is done.  The COA is very important in product selling in that it assures that the product is free from harmful substances such as drugs, chemicals, poisons, etc.

The COA Fee is per sample or per product.

SKU Number: *
Price: $425.00 


CBD Testing (Leaf or Resin Forms)

This will tests for CBD in leaf or resin forms.  CBD, short for Cannabidiol is found in Hemp, and Marijuana plants, has many medicinal benefits including healing various ailments of convulsions, anxiety, mood shwings, and many others.
SKU Number: *
Price: $285.00 

Hand Sanitizer 2 oz - Product Image
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Hand Sanitizer 2 oz

A great way to keep germs away including the new virus of Covid-19. This sanitizer contains some natural ingredients including vitamin e, aloe vera, and glycerin.  Get one now and stay healthy.
SKU Number: *
Price: $4.35 

Hand Sanitizer - 4 oz - Product Image
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Hand Sanitizer - 4 oz

A medium size hand sanitizer formulated to destroy all kinds of germs including the devastating coronavirus (covid-19).  This sanitizer contains over 70 % alcohol that is the compound that kills the microorganism, some natural ingredients of aloe, vitamins A and C extracted from an orange peel.
SKU Number: *
Price: $8.10 

Hand Sanitizer - 8 oz - Product Image
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Hand Sanitizer - 8 oz

This an 8 ounce hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands with any potential disease causing microorganisms such as the new viral microorganism of coronavirus that affected the health of people worldwide. 

Help control the spread of this annihilating disease by cleaning your hand with this sanitizer.  Ingredients include over 70 % alcohol, aloe, vitamins A & C, glycerin, water.

SKU Number: *
Price: $15.25 


Coronavirus - Covid-19 Testing

This will test for the new virus called coronavirus or Covid-19, that appears to be very contagious with an incubation period between 10-14 days, followed by symptoms of coughing, headache, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, and in some cases people also experienced loss of sense of smell and digestive problems.

NOTE: This is a laboratory testing of the Covid-19 virus.  If you in Columbus, Ohio or within reasonable driving distance please contact our lab at 614-515-1792 or email at staydrugfree@toxassociates.com to schedule an appointment. 

If you live out of State, first contact your physician's office and ask them if they are willing to collect the spcimen from you.  If they will, order this test of Covid-19 and we will send you the specimen collection kit along with Fedex lab pack.  Your physician may charge you for collection.

Always consult with your physician first regarding your health condition.


SKU Number: *
Price: $225.00 

Mask - 3 ply box of 10 masks - Product Image
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Mask - 3 ply box of 10 masks

A 3 ply mask to protect your nose from breathing air particles including microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and also covers mouth as well.  There are 10 disposable masks per case.
SKU Number: *
Price: $24.95 


Category or Option 1 - Comprehensive Drug Analysis

This will tests for over 150 drugs including prescribed such as Xanax, Ritalin, etc., over the counter drugs such as aspirin, tylenol, etc., and illicit drugs including Cocaine, Fentanyl, Morphine, and many others.
SKU Number: *
Price: $525.00 

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The QED A150 Alcohol Test Kit is a test kit that you CAN do in the privacy of your own home.  It uses your saliva to determine the amount, or concentration of alcohol in your system.  The concentraion of Alchol in you saliva is equivalent or close to the concentration of Alcohol in blood.  NOTE:  Alcohol is eliminated in your system rather quickly, in 10-16 hrs. depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, age, weight,  sex, height, synergism with other drugs, and overall health.


  • DOT, FDA approved
  • Quick results in just a few minutes
  • Highly accurate if done correctly
  • Very simple to use
  • Definitely less invasive saliva collection, compared to blood.  Pain.  Ouch!
  • Quantitative - will give you the amount or concentration of Alchol.
  • Uses Saliva.  So you don't need to get stuck with a needle.  NO Pain




SKU Number: *
Price: $95.00 


Category 5 or Option 5 - Poison Analysis

The analysis of most common household chemicals such as bleach, antifreeze (radiator coolant), rat poisons, cyanide, and others.  You can check your drinks, foods, urine, hair, and other substances.
SKU Number: *
Price: $285.00 


Lipid Panel with ratios

The Lipid Panel, lipid basically refers to fats, will tests for triglyceride, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and ratios of  HDL/LDL and LDL/HDL.


SKU Number: *
Price: $8.95 